Michelle Spirit


What Do the Colours Mean in an Insights Profile?

Understanding personality types can be a game-changer in both personal and professional settings. One popular tool that many people use is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). However, another insightful method that complements MBTI is the Insights Discovery model, which uses colours to represent different personality types. This blog post will delve into what these colours mean and how they relate to the Myers-Briggs insights.

Introduction to Insights Discovery

Insights Discovery is a psychometric tool based on Carl Jung’s theories of psychological types. It categorises individuals into four colour energies: Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green, and Cool Blue. Each colour represents a distinct set of behavioural preferences and characteristics.

Fiery Red

Fiery Red personalities are often seen as dynamic, competitive, and action-oriented. They are driven by results and have a strong desire to achieve their goals. People with this colour energy are typically decisive and assertive.


In terms of Myers-Briggs insights, Fiery Red personalities often align with ENTJ (Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judging) or ESTJ (Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) types. These MBTI types share similar traits such as leadership qualities and a focus on efficiency.

Sunshine Yellow

Sunshine Yellow personalities are enthusiastic, sociable, and outgoing. They enjoy interacting with others and often bring a sense of optimism to any situation. These individuals are usually creative thinkers who thrive in collaborative environments.


In the realm of Myers-Briggs insights colours, Sunshine Yellow aligns closely with ENFP (Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving) or ESFP (Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) types. These MBTI types are known for their enthusiasm and ability to inspire others.

Earth Green

Earth Green personalities are supportive, empathetic, and patient. They value harmony and tend to be excellent listeners who provide emotional support to those around them. These individuals prioritise relationships over tasks.


For those familiar with Myers-Briggs insights colours within MBTI frameworks like ISFJ (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling Judging) or INFJ (Introversion Intuition Feeling Judging), Earth Green personalities share similar attributes such as compassion and a focus on maintaining harmony within groups.

Cool Blue

Cool Blue personalities are analytical thinkers who value accuracy and precision. They prefer structured environments where they can delve into details without distractions. These individuals are often seen as calm and methodical in their approach to problem-solving.


In terms of Myers-Briggs insights colours within MBTI frameworks like INTJ (Introversion Intuition Thinking Judging) or ISTJ (Introversion Sensing Thinking Judging), Cool Blue personalities exhibit traits such as strategic thinking and attention to detail.

How Colours Enhance Understanding

The use of colours in Insights Discovery provides an intuitive way for people to understand complex personality traits quickly. Unlike traditional personality tests that may seem abstract or difficult to interpret at first glance; colour-coded systems offer immediate visual cues that make it easier for individuals to grasp their own behavioural tendencies as well as those of others around them.

Application in Professional Settings

Understanding these colour energies can significantly improve team dynamics at work:


The Insights Discovery model offers an accessible yet profound way of understanding human behaviour through its use of four distinct colour energies – Fiery Red representing dynamic leaders; Sunshine Yellow embodying enthusiastic collaborators; Earth Green symbolising empathetic supporters; Cool Blue depicting analytical thinkers! By integrating these insights alongside traditional Myers Briggs frameworks one gains comprehensive awareness about oneself & others thereby fostering better relationships both personally & professionally.

So next time you encounter someone new whether at work or socially try observing which ‘colour’ they might belong too – it could just be key unlocking deeper connection understanding between you.