Michelle Spirit


Social Worker, Foster Carer and Occupational Therapist resilience

Reflecting on the recent sessions delivered for Capstone Foster carers in the South West, Portsmouth City Council and East Sussex County Council, and the fantastic comments received, highlighted to me the importance of delivering training that introduces a range of tools and techniques to build emotional resilience. Why? Well, as there is simply no  single strategy that  will work for everyone (how wonderful would it be if there was!). One person’s piece of amazing life changing insight can be another persons least useful piece of learning.

It reminded me that recent research has shown that even Mindfulness, which is a fabulous technique that has helped so many people, does not work for 40% of those that try it. Still 60% is a great figure and you won’t know if this, or other techniques will work until you try them, so encouraging delegates to give some of the ideas a go and to reflect on any differences they or others have noticed is going to continue to be something I am going to carry on emphasising in workshops.

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