Michelle Spirit


Comparing Insights Discovery and DiSC

Understanding Behavioural Assessment Systems

As a leadership and management coach at Spirit Resilience in Chichester, I often encounter clients seeking to understand and improve their leadership styles and team dynamics. Two popular behavioural assessment systems, Insights Discovery and DiSC, offer valuable insights into individual and team behaviours. Let’s take a look into the similarities and differences between these systems to help you choose the right approach for your coaching needs.

Insights Discovery System:

The Insights System, based on the theories of Dr. Carl Jung, provides a holistic framework for understanding human behaviour. It uses four colour energies (red, yellow, green, and blue) to represent rational functions and attitudes, leading to 72 sub-types derived from Jung’s eight primary types. This comprehensive approach offers personalized 40-page profiles and insights into communication, management style, and development areas.


The Personal Profile System (DiSC), rooted in the theories of Dr. William Marston, focuses on surface traits and behavioural differences in various environments. It explores four primary dimensions: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. DiSC is visual and simplifies behaviour patterns based on an individual’s most and least characteristics.


While both systems aim to explain human behaviour, Insights Discovery offers a holistic view, measuring all functions, including middle functions, to assess a balanced psyche. DiSC, on the other hand, focuses on observable traits and does not account for middle functions. Insights Discovery provides a deeper understanding of individuals’ uniqueness, while DiSC may lead to stereotyping.


DiSC is commonly used for improving workplace communication, sales training, and organisational development. Insights Discovery, with its holistic approach, extends to leadership development, team-building, and conflict resolution, offering a more profound understanding of individuals’ motivations and potential.


Insights Discovery requires a 5-day workshop for proficiency certification, emphasizing awareness and coaching expertise. DiSC accreditation involves a 2-day workshop without a pass or fail component.

Choosing between Insights Discovery and DiSC depends on your coaching objectives and desired depth of understanding. While DiSC offers simplicity and immediate application, Insights Discovery provides a comprehensive and holistic view of individuals’ behaviours and motivations, making it a valuable tool for leadership and team development within your businesses.

I offer lunch and learn courses through to full management programmes for your business. If you would like to know more, then get in touch. 

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